In my mind I wrote lots of blog posts.
In my mind I wasn't absent at all... I wrote about frost and beautiful silver landscapes.
I wrote about Christmas shopping and asked your help on presents for an 11yr old who wants 'surprises'.
I wrote about a gorgeous chilli recipe I found, a recipe that for once was enjoyed by all the family (if I ignore that No 1 patiently removed every single kidney bean in his plate)
I wrote it all down. In my head.
Cross my heart and hope to die.
Pinky swear.

But seriously. I've been busy. Busy doing stuff and in actual fact I have finished a quilt, and a pair of mittens, and have wrapped all the presents that are in the house bar the three that have been delivered this morning.
The Christmas cards writing marathon will begin soon but first I need to finish my fight with the laundry that threatens to kill me lately.
And we need food. Food shopping is one of those things that can't be postponed for too long I find. Most annoying.
We have a tree and it's gorgeous... and mahoosive... although it's shedding needles like mad and I'm really worried it won't reach the 25th. I love having the lights twinkling away in my peripheral vision. I can live without Christmas music... but not without the tree!

Mr M make me a gorgeous advent calendar: He's a keeper.
Mr M and I have been to party last Friday, rare occurrence, and had lovely food and nice chats and were entertained by Elvis. Quite scary actually. He took it waaaaay too seriously. And should have done his suit up a little higher. Just saying.
I put a few things in my Easy shop. (I'll throw in a free delivery if you're interested...)
We have decided to take turn choosing a 'family' activity each Sunday afternoon in order to consciously spend more time together rather than simply in the same house and passing each other like ships in the night or meeting only at the dinner table. (And moan about red kidney beans then).
When it was my turn I dragged everyone to see Magical Beasts and where to find them. Mr M fell asleep. No 2 and No 3, mad HP fan found it a little boring (it is a tad slow). No 3, who really didn't want to come, who has never seen/read HP books... loved it. Go figure.
Yesterday No 2 took us all bowling. I lost. Both games. I think I might have to secretly practice when they're at school!
Mr M is going to put everyone through a showing of Christmas Lampoon with Chevy Chase. A classic.
No 1 is still thinking about it.
No 3 wants to go Ice skating. Oh boy. That will be interesting.
I'll keep you posted.
I gotta go now. But I'll be back. And not only in my mind.
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