Yeay, random Friday is back!!
(as if 'hand-creams' wasn't random enough...)
So today I had a few errands to do and walked into town which made me realise a few things:
- I love the location of our new house. LOVE it. It makes it ridiculous to drive into the city centre and as a consequence I'm doing a lot of more walking than before. Bonus because I completely fell off the running wagon. I mean totally.
- I have one of those fitbit zip thingies (hooked into my bra so I don't lose it...) and aiming to do 10,000 steps a day. Don't succeed all the time. (I used to have one of those wrist thingies... but I lend it to No 1 who managed to lose it in Bangkok in the summer... sigh).
And also I'm discovering little lanes and shortcuts I never knew existed

I love nice peeling walls and gates.
- And when you take the time to walk you notice buildings you drove past a million time before and never acknowledged

This one for example is terrifying. It should be in a Dan Brown's book... in fact I might have to send the photo to him just in case he's having writers' block and needs ideas for his next book. I mean... was the middle one a window? And where are the statues? And why there isn't one door but two? Weird. I'd love to see inside. or maybe not. It is rather scary looking.
- I also discovered a yoga studio stupidly close to the house. In fact so annoyingly close I don't know how I'll be able to formulate an excuse strong enough not to get off my bottom and do something... it's going to be tough.
- I took my birthday watch to be fixed because it was 'rattling'... well you wouldn't believe it, but it turns out that it wasn't broken at all...
"do you charge your watch, madam?" - the watchman.
me "... ahem... no... it's automatic, right". Duh....
"well you should always charge it, about twenty turns at least once a month or a few turns every couple of days, or the spring gets loose and rattles" - the watchman, trying to be patient.
"... ahmmm, right... yes... ok ... sure... I'll do that from now on then... thanks". I'm shockingly eloquent sometimes.
"... no problem ma'am, just pop in to see us every time you have a problem" - the watchman probably rolling his eyes to the back of its head. I didn't turn to check.
- On the way I saw a lorry with a naked doll (one of those old fashioned dolls, with plastic hair... and eyes that roll... ) strapped to its front grill. What was that all about?? I might send this idea to Stephen King. It's right up his street... possessed doll/giant truck kills hitchhikers and lonely ramblers, the drivers have no control but get the blame... what do you think?
- I spent 2 1/2 hours freezing on a football sideline this afternoon.

Note to self "dig out the heavy coat for tonight hockey session". And big boots.
- And once again 'lost-item' season is upon us

(but surely if you lose a coat you re-trace your steps???)
- I've just eaten two unnecessary biscuits.
- Happy Weekend everybody!
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