My poor neglected blog.
Here have some flowers as a sign of my gratitude you're still here with me... (are you?)
So what's been happening...
... well No 3 has gone of a week long school trip, and let me tell you when you go from three children to two the difference is huge. Also he is the little one. (Don't let him hear that). And the fact that the little one is no longer that little anymore it's kind of hard to take. When No 1 went on the same trip five years ago it felt like a victory, like a milestone reached. This time? It feels like a loss. Loss of what I'm not sure... youth? for a time when I was essential in an everyday essential kind of way in their lives? It's hard to put it down in words...
I'm a firm believer that you raise kids so they can fly away, strong and independent and ready to conquer the world... but it's not easy folks.
(Disclaimer: I'm totally over-dramatic here... he's only ten!)
More flowers:
So... the weather has turned... it finally feels like summer... I'm wearing short sleeves and flip flops and because I like wearing dresses when it's warm (note I said warm and not hot... I do live in England after all!) I was conscious of my extremely white legs and bought myself some self-tanning lotion.
Oh boy.
I bought some tinted creamy stuff so that I could see where I was applying and how much.
Oh boy.
Let's just say this: when/where I did it right... it looks fab. When/where I didn't manage to get it right or was a little over exhuberant... mmhhhh less so.
Basically I have one orange foot and very orange toes. On my right. The left one is ok. Which means it's shoes not sandals for me for a few days!
Have some more flowers:
We've booked our holiday to Western Canada for this coming July... I need any recommendations for cool places/walk/restaurants/museum/off the beaten track stuff so put your thinking cap on! We're doing a whistle stop tour of Vancouver-Tofino (Vancouver Island)-Whistler-Jasper-Lake Louise.
(Fabric and yarn shop always welcome too, of course.)
Have a good Tuesday.
I completely understand your feelings about the littlest one growing up, I'm much the same here. It's fine for the biggest one to be at big school and becoming more independent. But when the littlest boy doesn't need me I shall be completely bereft. Happily he took his bear to school this morning, and I had to carry it back home with me, so I'm not feeling it too much today. But it's coming, it's coming. Your self-tanning experience made me smile. I'm hoping it fades a bit for you soon. CJ xx
Posted by: CJ | Tuesday, 10 May 2016 at 09:31 AM
Ooooh, very exciting about your trip to Western Canada. Lake Louise is gorgeous and there are tons of wonderful hikes in that area. Moraine Lake is also not to be missed -- your boys might enjoy hiking up the front of the big rock pile -- I posted a little bit about it here: (sorry it's a long post -- pictures 2 - 7 are the lake pictures that apply) We only had 3 days there and I could have spent a whole summer!
Posted by: Thimbleanna | Tuesday, 10 May 2016 at 12:45 PM
We had a fabulous trip to Canada pre kids and we were looking at the photos with the kids the other night and saying how much they would like it, one for the future.
Tofino is wonderful; such a laid back vibe, lovely cafes and restaurants, kayaking between uninhabited islands, whale watching, fresh fresh crab supper and just generally hanging out having a nice time
Butchart gardens near Victoria are very beautiful. Whistler in the summer is fun, we arrived during a mountain bike festival so enjoyed some serious down hill action. Mountain biking is great fun when you don't have to cycle up the hills first, ski lifts are used to carry you and the bikes up! The white water rafting was also great as was a stunning float plane flight over the glaciers from which we saw a brown bear. The only place I've drunk champagne from a wine list the thickness of a phone book where the top is taken off the champagne by a sword and the glasses have no base instead inserted into ice!
I'm already looking forward to seeing your photos!
Posted by: SewBertie | Tuesday, 10 May 2016 at 02:28 PM
I have a 19 year old who is now away at university and a 17 year old at home. What can I say? Its brutal. Make the most of every day (which I know you do!) because it goes so so fast....
Posted by: Anne B-A | Tuesday, 10 May 2016 at 06:55 PM
The is a post very close to my heart--my littlest is turning ten in a few weeks. Bittersweet is a word that hangs heavy for me: )
Your trip sounds wonderful! I don't know Vancouver, but if by some crazy stretch of changing plans you end up in Portland Oregon USA, stop by my pie truck (Paiku) and say hello: )
Posted by: Wasabi Honey Bee | Tuesday, 10 May 2016 at 07:03 PM
Things to do on that trip to Canada? Eat steak at Bumpers Inn at the top end of Banff Avenue in Banff. Athabasca Falls and Columbia Icefield on the way up to Jasper. Also Moraine Lake. Mountain biking in Whistler. Cathedral Grove on the road from Nanaimo to Tofino, most amazingly huge trees, falling over to see the top huge. I never understood native Canadian art until I saw sunsets at Tofino. Chemainus on Vancouver Island - slogan "The little town that did" - has huge murals on the buildings and a lovely theatre. Watch out for Canada's national bird - as a tour guide describe the mozzies! If you haven't booked hotels yet then look at suite hotels which give you a kitchen and clothes washing facilities.
Posted by: Pamela | Tuesday, 10 May 2016 at 11:34 PM
Vancouver...From the airport take the Skytrain to downtown Vancouver. Museum of Anthropology at UBC is excellent and gives you an overview of Indian culture and history before Tofino. Also check out UBC for the boys in the future. You can walk/cycle/roller blade or skateboard right along the sea wall at Stanley Park to Yaletown. The return trip is shorter through designated bike lanes on most of the streets. Bikes etc hired form stores on Denman at the bottom of Robson Street. Take a stroll through some streets off Robson, the locals plant the roundabouts and are lovely. Can't give you fabric shops as they are mainly out of the city centre.Take the small ferry across to Granville Island for the small shops and lobster/fish restaurants. Go through the market and take a right along the shore to the Fish Shack for a casual but fresh off the boat fish/lobster. For dinner...there is so much choice but Vij's is good. get there for 5-5.30 ish as there is no booking and always a line up.They come arouns with free eats while you wait. Adesso at the bottom of Haro and Stanley park for Sunday morning brunch or for dinner.Good.
Either take the ferry (beautiful trip) or float plane to Victoria Harbour.There is a museum right beside the Parliament buildings. The Empress good for brunch or Tea but expensive. Munroe's books is an excellent bookshop and check out the story quilts on the walls. Still in the area ,Pagliacci's for lunch or dinner. The Satin Moon fabric shop at 825 Fort St. is good. You can take the coast road from downtown right along as far as Ten Mile Point. Check out University of Victoria.
Then the beautiful ride up island to Tofino. Relax and be prepared to be laid back . You will find everyone friendly and helpful. Enjoy.
Posted by: Lisa | Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 11:28 AM
ps....You are there in July? On Sunday afternoon go to Robson Square in the centre of downtown Vancouver for salsa (etc) dancing. It's alcohol all ages , and a lot of fun. Lisa
Posted by: Lisa | Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 12:05 PM
PPS Emerald lake....lisa
Posted by: Lisa | Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 12:32 PM
Beautiful flowers!!! Hope that you have a wonderful time on your travels and that your youngest enjoys the school trip!
Posted by: Amy at love made my home | Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 09:21 PM
We raised our (only) son/child to think independently, look at both sides, list the pros and cons. Then when he was well trained in doing that, we wished he would ask our advice on something. But no. We raised him too well for that. *sigh*
Posted by: cindy-liveacolorfullife | Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 10:54 PM
Still here :)
Posted by: The Coffee Lady | Thursday, 12 May 2016 at 10:17 AM
waving hello. nice flowers. move north. it's never warm enough for no socks so you won't need to worry about your toes. x
Posted by: driftwood | Thursday, 12 May 2016 at 12:49 PM
The Post Hotel in Lake Louise!
Posted by: Ann | Friday, 13 May 2016 at 04:12 AM
Make sure you pick up some qiviuk wool at the Fairmont in Banff! That's "yarn shopping" you'll never forget!
Posted by: Laura | Tuesday, 17 May 2016 at 12:36 PM
My baby starts kindergarten in September so I understand.
I'm in Victoria (sort of halfway between Vancouver and Tofino). How are you travelling, planes? Car? What are your dates and do you want to join us at the Victoria MQG meeting on July 21st? It's our annual picnic otherwise I'd press you to do a trunk show/presentation/something.
Posted by: Nicole | Wednesday, 18 May 2016 at 12:31 AM