Friday night was epic. EPIC
The boys say I'm not allowed to say 'epic', or 'banter/bants/benterous' or 'tank'... I suspect because I'm too old, but they've been brought up well, so they wouldn't actually say that. I'm allowed to say 'cool', because saying 'cool' it's not cool... and when you're a parents you shouldn't try to be cool. Because you're not. That's the word on the street anyway.
BUT, they're not interesting in mum's blog... it's all about blogging these days... which let's face it, that means getting out of my pyjamas and put make up on, right? Nahhhh, I much prefer leaving you with the impression my house is tidy and I'm always perfectly turned out ready to meet the president. Or go to hospital... my grandmother used to warn me not to wear old knickers if I was going out in the off-chance I'd have an accident and got taken to hospital.
Whatever. She was quite a character. You would have liked her.
ANYWAY, I'm getting wildly off course here...
Friday night.
Let's consider the evidence:
Three extremely cool chicks. (So nice to see real women on stage. WOMEN. Talented, beautiful, mothers, wives, friends, flawed, inspiring, musicians, artists, fun, awesome women)
Natalie (41yrs old)
Emily (43yrs old)
Martie (45yrs old)
And the music... the music.. well the music was epic too.
Just check this out... (couldn't find one from the Birmingham night... but it was the same... sit down and enjoy)
Amazing, right?
Thank you ladies, it was ... epic.
Wow! It made my hair stand on end - fantastic song!
Posted by: Jane | Monday, 02 May 2016 at 08:30 AM
A great night!!
Posted by: Amy at love made my home | Tuesday, 03 May 2016 at 08:39 PM
Sounds like a fantastic night, and you're right, they're very inspiring. Glad you had such a good time. CJ xx
Posted by: CJ | Sunday, 08 May 2016 at 09:26 AM
And that is why I love blogland to discover new music :) I have not heard of them before but they sound great x
Posted by: Leah | Sunday, 08 May 2016 at 10:19 AM
It absolutely looks epic. I get to see James Taylor--finally--in July and I'm so super excited I can't even stand it!
Posted by: cindy-liveacolorfullife | Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 10:51 PM