I've come to the conclusion that it's absolutely impossible to be completely on top of things.
It's like when you climb a mountain and you get to the top and you realise you're not actually to the top but you need to get a little bit further again.
AND the more you do the more you realise that you could do and so on and on and on.
The more I tick of the list the more I add at the bottom of it.
It's ridiculous.
And not in a funny ha ha way.
More in a hit your head repeatedly against the wall way.
This has been my view for this morning.
I'm cooking dinner and frequent stirring is required. Also the winter sun blasts through that big window and burns your retinas if you sit at the table.
The big amaryllis flopped down last night so I cut the stem and hopefully it'll grace us with a few more days of beauty.
The two black things in the fruit bowl are two black bananas awaiting to be smashed and baked into more banana bread. I might add chocolate chips this time. just because.
I've moved to fill the dishwasher/emptythedryer/fillthedryer/openthedoortothecourier/cookdinner and that's it.
2430 fitbit steps without actually going anywhere.
Whatever. Modern life is weird.
Nothing much has happened since we last 'spoke'.
The most 'exciting' (and I say this very loosely) thing occurred on Sunday night when No 2 announced at 5.55pm that he needed a cake inspired by Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre.
We made it. It took three hours, a trip to a very small open all night shop, a few tantrums (two from him one from me), but we did it.
Hamlet's skull is a diabetes inducing lump of sugar - a pound in weight - and if you're really interested I can tell you it was eaten (it got split in half and two 13yr olds had a competition to see who could eat their half first. Gross).
You must forgive us the architecturally inaccurate wooden structures, but chocolate mint stick are extremely friable and their load carrying capacity is, let's be honest, rubbish.
We did however received two commendations for it. (Yes WE)
AND a very small post apocalyptic remnant of the cake did make it home, which surprised me. Or maybe it didn't.
1. You are awesome
2. What sadistic teacher sets that as homework?
3. Can we be fitbit friends?
Posted by: domesticali | Thursday, 14 January 2016 at 04:28 PM
Mmm, is that Flake all over the top? Scrumptious. I have to say, it's an absolute triumph, I'm filing it away for when my turn comes. The sides are brilliant, most Globe-like. And the skull is excellent. Well done you for pulling it out of the bag so to speak. It's always a tense moment when the children spring a surprise like that. CJ xx
Posted by: CJ | Thursday, 14 January 2016 at 09:23 PM
good grief. that is truly the oddest homework ever......... I hope you got an A*
Posted by: driftwood | Thursday, 14 January 2016 at 09:45 PM
Um. Can I be the smartarse that mentions the fact that you have timewarped back to 2015? I expect it is part of a plan to get on top of the laundry. I'll get my coat...
Posted by: Alice C | Thursday, 14 January 2016 at 10:18 PM
Wow, that was a homework challenge and a half! You did very well with your homework though! xx
Posted by: Amy at love made my home | Friday, 15 January 2016 at 08:29 AM
I can totally relate to your post. The more I tick off my to-do-list, the more I add to it. It's a tough time right now!
I got a fitbit for Christmas and I love it! I'm absolutely addicted to it and keep checking my daily steps. Too bad I have a job in an office where I SIT in front of the computer everyday. I still try to manage 10.000 steps at least three times a week. I only made it once, this week, but I will go for a run today and we will visit a fair tomorrow. So I should achieve my goals.
The cake looks delicious and wonderful. Though I get sick if I think about eating that sugar skull! ;-)
Posted by: Emma | Friday, 15 January 2016 at 08:55 AM
What is fitbit? Sounds like a January thing...
The cake is seriously good. I would have had nothing...absolutely nothing to offer in those circumstances.
And although the low sun is blinding it's so much better than rain or snow and yesterday we had flurries of snow.
Posted by: Ali | Friday, 15 January 2016 at 12:05 PM
Look at it another way…..you'd be bored stiff if you were a polar bear sitting on an ice floe!
Well done with the imagination!
Posted by: Pats. | Saturday, 16 January 2016 at 09:00 AM